Friday, April 17, 2009

Dreams Coming True

Part of my dreams have come true. First I got to hear the Captain’s words even though it was not as dramatic as I used to think it would be. You know those things of saying ‘Fasten your seat belts…’

Secondly, I finally met Carsozy and Ernest Wasake on Wednesday.

Still flabberwhelmed about it.

Nice weekend.

Nev, get well soon.

Lulu, I missed seeing you and hoping you are fine.


Carsozy said...

It was great getting to finally see you and talk to you in person. we should meet more often. And the Maloo of fasten seatbelts banange.......

Ugandan girl said...

what you met happen....unleash....

how you be time you are coming to mine.

jny23 said...

Yu met Carsozy of the PIG diaries? Good stuff.
I also remember the first time i hheard those words.

How yu be gal?

Samali Mudamuli Ntikita Ntikita said...

Carsozy: Sorry I didn't bring anything from outside countries.

Ugandan Girl: Yeah. I happened to be at his work place when I met him on Wednesday evening. I just introduced myself to him and said hi. It was sweet of you to call me. I was touched. Next time if I ever get the chance to come, I'll make sure I meet you. Thank you.

Jny: I am fine. Sorry about your friend

jny23 said...

Hi i just tagged and presented yu with The Honest Scrap award.
Check it out at mine's.

Otherwise have a blessed week.