Monday, July 30, 2007

I Will Move On

Why am I thinking of him
Thinking love

Why am I missing him
Missing bliss

Why am I feeling hopeless
Feeling lost

Why am I dreaming of him
Dreaming radiance

While I think of him, he has forgotten me
While I miss him, he misses them
While I feel hopeless, his life is great

I will live,
Live without him

I will forget,
Forget about him

I will move on,
Move on with my life
Move on to greater heights
Move on to greener pastures
Move on to bigger dreams
Move on to better thoughts

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Pain of Losing a Friend

I call him
I feel pain

I read him
I feel pain

He ignores me
I feel pain

He responds
I feel pain

He laughs
I cry

He cries
I cry

Thursday, July 5, 2007

They Were as Different as Night and Day

One proud
Proud to love

One loving
Loving to bits

One cold
Cold to want

One warm
Warm to please

The proud found strength in his love
The warm found strength in his pride
Each found strength in the other

I loved one
One for his pride

I loved one
One for his warmth

Now I am confused
Which one is better?
Which one is worse?
Which one is stronger?
Which one is weaker?
Which one is love?