Thursday, July 5, 2007

They Were as Different as Night and Day

One proud
Proud to love

One loving
Loving to bits

One cold
Cold to want

One warm
Warm to please

The proud found strength in his love
The warm found strength in his pride
Each found strength in the other

I loved one
One for his pride

I loved one
One for his warmth

Now I am confused
Which one is better?
Which one is worse?
Which one is stronger?
Which one is weaker?
Which one is love?


The 27th Comrade said...

Why not take them both? ;o)

There is this word `player'. So ... you can get lesson, yeah? :oD

Esquire of the mountain said...

There is an interesting line in this poem: "each found strength in the other", do these men know each other so close that they appear to be friends, comrades, brothers(in arms) perhaps?
But generally really nice poetry, i have to say, reading nice poetry does inspire(like Esquire's huh)!

About your dilemma, doesnt the bible say something about strength being made perfect in weakness!

Samali Mudamuli Ntikita Ntikita said...

@Comrade: This is fiction though. If it were true, I would have chosen the loving one.

@Esquire: Thank you for your kind comment. I really want to write like you some day. Yes, these men know each other. They are friends.

QueenB said...

wow ope u r not datin any as yet.But if u did one then rule number 1 do not date friends.Otherwise go for the warm guy i 2 can be proud!

feather said...

quite a dilema, wouldn't know what to say about it. but i do love the post.

espquire: only God's strength is made perfect in our weakness